•SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT: Vision Based Robotic System

  • AIM: The primary aim of this project was to get hands on experience with hardware, software and interface between hardware and software.
  • PROJECT DESCRIPTION:The project consisted of a robot which was designed to move front, back, left and right. It had a arm which could go right, left, up, down and a claw to hold small objects. A conveyor belt was placed which would stop whenever an object comes to the place where the robot collects the object. The robot would then take a picture of the object, detect its shape using Digital Image Processing and Neural Network, and based on the shape of the object, would pick and place it in its respective box.
  • IMPLEMENTATION: The robot hardware was built in the Mechanical Engineering Lab using lab tools and general hardware equipment. Five stepper motors were used for the robot to move front/back, rotate arm right/left, lift arm, grip the claw and to turn the robot left/right. All the stepper motors required a driver circuit which was designed and fabricated in the Circuits Lab (including the PCB). An interface circuit was designed to control the robot via PC LPT port. 4:16 decoder was used to increase the I/O lines available from the LPT port and corresponding logic was implemented in the C++ program. The conveyor belt was controlled with a DC motor and an IR sensor. A webcam was connected to the PC, which was interfaced with MATLAB and the "Digital Image Processing" and "Neural Network" tool boxes were used to implement the image recognition portion of the project. An interface between MATLAB and C++ was made in order to call the function corresponding to the shape of the object, to make the robot perform the respective task.
  • STATUS: The project was completed successfully
  • ACHIEVEMENT: The project was selected as an exhibit at the "National Technical Exhibition" held at Hyderabad, India in September 2003.